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Platform for Living History, Reenactment, Heritage & Archaeology

Find like-minded people, events, services, experts and unique goods from all over the world - share your passion!

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Support the Scenery


No matter if you are craftsman, reenactor or merchant, register your products, goods and services on our marketplace and find customers worldwide!



By buying from our marketplace you can directly support the scenery, helping those who otherwise are forced out of business due to the pandemic!



All profit is used to support this platform, events like the 2nd Medieval World Convention, our continental reenactment fairs and our new crowdfunding platform for reenactment & archaeology.


Products, Goods & Services

Have a look at our diverse offer

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Worldwide Marketplace

By choosing your region, you can see all offers in that region as a pin on the map.

Continental Reenactment Fairs

Reenactment Fair Europe

We work hard to make it hapen. An europeanwide yearly reenactment fair to facilitate and improve this marketplace and create a real accelerator for the scenery! Coming in 2026, the location for which is yet to be announced.


Reenactment Fair North America

Reenactment is big in America too! So we want to install a North American yearly fair which brings all those from the scenery in North America together! Coming in 2027, the place for it is yet to be announced...


Reenactment Fair South America

Reenactment is big in America too! So we want to install a South American yearly fair which brings all those from the scenery and its history from the natives in South America together! Coming in 2028, the place for it is yet to be announced...


Special literature

All books on the platform