Authentic Mead Set (Global delivery)

Authentic mead set (global delivery)

Here we offer an authentic mead set, consisting of a bottle and two glasses, made from an original find from Sweden.

The Viking Age, which lasted from the 8th to the 11th century, was a fascinating era in history. The glass was handcrafted and has a green colouring, making each piece unique with varying details.

This set not only offers historical accuracy, but also a price advantage of € 11 compared to buying them individually.

The glasses have a volume of approx. 5 cl and the bottle approx. 30 cl.

The quality of the materials, forged iron and glass, and the craftsmanship are reflected in every detail.

Immerse yourself in the Viking Age and enjoy your mead like a true Norseman!


  • Glass colouring: green
  • Volume: approx. 30 cl (bottle) & approx. 5 cl (glasses)
  • Historical classification: Viking Age 8th-11th century



  • Epoch: Early Middle Ages

  • Colour: Green

  • Capacity: approx. 5cl , approx. 30cl

  • Material: Forged iron , glass

  • Quality: Replica

  • Region: Occident / Europe , Scandinavia

  • Condition:** *New

This article can be ordered at these shipping costs of 15,99 € in the EU.

For shipping within EU please order this variant with only 15,99 € shipping costs!

Science fiction
Moderne tider
5. århundrede
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16. århundrede
Tilgængelighed: Ledig
Produktionstid: 2 uger
Annoncen blev oprettet 10 Jun 2024

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