29th Slavs & Vikings Festival Wolin, 1.-4. August 2024, PL

Plan of the XXIX Slavs and Vikings Festival together with accompanying events

“Christianization of Pomerania” 1st - 4th of August 2024

Organizers. Slavs and Vikings Center Wolin - Jomsborg - Vineta, West Pomeranian Voivodeship and Wolin Commune.

Applicants for co-financing the event: Wolin Commune, Commune Center for Culture, Sports, Tourism and Recreation in Wolin

The Festival of Slavs and Vikings means two joined historical and cultural events: the historical part organised by Slav and Vikings Center Wolin - Jomsborg - Vineta and the cultural part organised by Wolin Commune in the city of Wolin. During the Festival Wolin is visited by two thousand reenactors and 30.000 tourists.

Permanent elements of the festival:

1st of August Thursday 10.00 - 19.00
2nd of August Friday 10.00 - 19:30
3rd of August Saturday 10.00 - 20.00
4th of August Sunday 10.00 - 18.00

Visitors have the opportunity to experience a "living history lesson" and see what professions were performed, what food was eaten, how the free time was spent, what the warriors' armour looked like and how much it weighed.

Attractions have been prepared for visitors:

-shows of medieval crafts, including pottery, cooperation, blacksmithing,
goldsmithing - jewelery, shoemaking - leather-making, amber-making,
wood-carving, horn-making, wicker-making, coinage and others,
-presentations of the medieval warrior's armament with the possibility of
trying on some elements, more persistent ones can try their hand
at fighting,
-archery and spear throwing stations,
-presentation and tasting of medieval delicacies,
-a playground for children, where games, plays, competitions and
tournaments take place (prepared and conducted by the primary
school in Wolin),
-games and activities for the youngest children and adults conducted by
the Birka Boys group,
-Reading zone - a place where visitors will be able to buy books, meet
their authors and take part in interesting lectures and workshops.

Music was an important element of everyday life in the colourful world of the early Middle Ages. During the festival, we will hear it performed by bands
such as EZIBABA (Poland), DUNAJOWI (Poland), DAJ OGNIA (Poland), JAVARYNA (Belarus), and KRIVE (Poland).




Thursday, 01 August 2024

11:00 - The march and the official opening of the festival. The pageant will start at the Collegiate Church in Wolin. Ceremony on the battlefield.
11:00 - Dr. Piotr Pranka - from Hedeby to Wolin. History of Baltic trade in the Viking age. Lecture A
11:30 - Opening of the temple - dance of the warriors and blót - the Scandinavian rite of
offering. C
12:00 - mgr Karolina Czonstke–Świątkowska - Miała strój bogaty, malowany w różne światy. Book promotion. (Polish) A
12:00 - Opening of the temple - ritual lighting of the fire. Bringing a Wolin spear into the temple and ritual dance. Festival divination. C
12:30 - 15:00 - The temple is open - individual entrances to the temple and conversation with zhrets, including divination with the so-called foals. C
12:30 - Performances by musical groups and dance lessons. F
13:00 - Dr. Maciej Lubik - Harald Hardrada and his Byzantine treasures. Lecture in Polish A
13:00 - Rumi tells tales G
13:30 - Singing galdrar - Völvas' soothsayer.
14:00 - Myth about Yarilo and Morana - tales from the world of Slavic mythology G
14:00 - Dr. Ryder Patzuk–Russell – Let us all have the same law and the same religion: The story of Iceland's conversion to Christianity. Lecture in English A
15:00 - Dunajowi - Slavic ceremonial songs (performance) - C
16:00 - Skirmishes of Slavs and Vikings. There will be battles between two camps of warriors on the battlefield. The braver and more hard-bitten army will defeat the weaker one, and the outcome will not be known until the last warrior. E
16:00 - 18:00 - The temple is open - individual entrances to the temple and conversation with zhrets, including divination with the so-called foals. C
17:00 - Performances by musical groups and dance lessons. F
17:30 - Throat singing workshops. F
17:30 - About Wisna who fought for the Danes and her naked warriors based on the theme of Song de bello Bravico (Bravallathuli) by Saxo Grammaticus - a staging of an epic story about a battle from the Viking times combined with a show of craft. C
18:00 - About a man and four talents - an interactive tale for young and old G
18:00 - Dunajowi - Slavic ceremonial songs (performance) - C
19:00 - Performances by musical groups and dance lessons.

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Antal dage af arrangementet: 4
Dato: 1 Aug 2024
Annoncen blev oprettet 25 Jul 2024

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