After the success of the 2018 ReConference, and a lot of public demand, we are delighted to announce the return of our multidisciplinary event focused on Living history an Re-enactment. During the 5th to 7th of November 2021, Hands on History together with Ratobor and EXARC will once again be providing a plattform for all those involved in this fascinating approach to cennecting the past and present. So grab your books, dig out your notes and put your thinking hats on - because we need your help!

You will have the opportunity to be part of this unique event by contributing yours skills, knowledge and time. Since the ReConference will be multi-sensory event, we are not looking just for keynote speakers and papers, but also for crafters, actors, jugglers, philosophers, or anyone else working with Living history and/or Reenactment, who would be willing to organize a workshop, lecture or any other activity.

This might sound vague, because we are counting on your creativity to fill in the blanks. Wether it is a unique way of teaching the aerodynamics of axes, medieval facial expressions as a gateway to wood carving for toddlers, or anything else. If you feel that your practical approach to disseminating cultural heritage needs to be shared, we would like to hear about it and offer you an opportunity to present iz on a multidisciplinary, international stage!

We only ask that your contribution fits within the time frame of miximum one hour, correspondens to the theme of Re-enactment and Living History, and you know how to get the equipment needed. Should you be interested in holding a 50-minute lecture on a topic of your specialization as one of our key speakers, then you are more than welcome to tell us about it as well.

So, drop what you're doing (unless it's fragile) and write us an e-mail at - After the closing deadline of 30th of April we will review all submissions and get back to you shortly. The 2021 ReConference is your chance to buils the future of the past with those who live it.

Official Website

Here You can find a video from 2018 ReConference:

Datum: 30 Apr 2021
Eintrag erfolgreich erstellt 16 Jan 2021

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