
ReenactmentMarketplace is operated by:Historymerchant.Eu, Jan-Oliver
Head office:
In der Ob 4
D-87657 Goerisried
Use of your personal data In order to facilitate communication and this marketplace service, the following data is collected on a server rented by a 3 party. They are used exclusively for communication between service providers and users of the Archaeology & Reenactment Marketplace.Some personal details are visible on the profile, but this data is voluntary (except for the name).
Data stored in the database- Personal information: name, email address, telephone number, address- Account information: username, password (stored in encrypted form)- A profile description of each user that they can create themselves- The offers and requests that a user has made- The ratings submitted and received, as well as badges- Statistical data, such as usage time, login time etc.
Data sourcesPersonal data is provided by the user during registration or later in the course of using the marketplace by the user.
Disclosure of informationThe information can be passed on anonymously for statistical purposes in accordance with the terms of use, which the user must confirm before using the marketplace.

The information of the Reenactment Marketplace can be forwarded to the operator of the platform Jan-Oliver Zilker, Historymerchant.Eu, who founded this platform.
Transfer of data inside and outside the EUInformation can be stored on a server located inside or outside the EU.
Data protection
The information is stored on computers. Access is secured with passwords. The on-site server company prevents physical access to the computers.