In August 2025 the historic world conventions association will organize the 2. Medieval-World-Convention.
This is a WORLD-meeting and leading fair for science, craftsmanship and re-enactment, a totally new kind of event.
Participants can be interested people, reenactors, craftsmen, archaeologists or historians. It will take place in Schwarzenbach, Seeg, Allgäu in Germany at the foot of Eisenberg (Iron mountain).
It is a private event, which means only beforehand registered participants have access. A participation with one’s own camp is possible for the full 10 days, the first or second 5 days. Also daily participants are possible, if registered for beforehand. To finance the event a participation fee has to be paid beforehand.
As an attraction 12th century Jerusalem (approx. 1.000qm) is reconstructed, surrounded by a craftsmen village, which is surrounded by camps, one for every region.
In Jerusalem one can find everything necessary: Food, medieval organic market, convention academy in the holy church, bathing house, media, restaurants, taverns and a hotel in tents, so you do not need to leave the site, if you don’t want to.
Why participate in this special event:
- 10day private event without financial pressure, because of which we can do things, you normally can’t on commercial events (setting, convention academy with its diverse course program, medieval battle tournament, craftsmen-village around Jerusalem, regional camps, huge media and a department store)
- Reconstructed Jerusalem with 3 gates built out from artificial stonework, after original plans of the city archaeology
- Possibility of presentation of extraordinary events, of experimental archaeology-projects, attractions, museums or other „Points of Interest“ in the regional info-tents
- Own social network (http://portal.middle-ages.com) as media for preparation & follow up, or accompanying the event (All participants can be found on the network!)
- Musicians from all over the world
- International flair and people, who you would not meet somewhere else
Further information on the event’s own internet site: www.medievalconvention.com (From August 2023 on...)