Archaeological Footwear, by Marquita Volken


This comprehensive volume delves deep into the cutting patterns, shoe style and chronology revealed by the author’s interpretation of archaeological and other discoveries of recovered remains of shoes and shoemaking tools. Much light has been shed on the materials, design and construction of shoes through the ages in Europe. This has allowed the author to propose a chronological order for the technical, stylistic and typological complexity encountered among recovered archaeological footwear.

First Published by Spa-Uitgevers 2014
This Archetype edition is a revised reprint with additions to Chapter 5


1. Introduction

1.1. Overview of calceology

1.2. Current methods in calceological research

2. Review of literature and history of calceological research

2.1. Introduction and delimitation of the subject and corpus

2.2. The first collections: Ancient shoes from peat beds and bogs

2.3. The World War II reaearch haitus and the second half of the twentieth century

2.4. Methodological problems associated with the expanding literature base

2.5. The end of the twentieth century: the search for solutions

3. Methodology

3.1. The history of the primary cutting pattern research

3.2. Technical interpretation of the primary cutting patterns

4. Primary cutting patterns

4.1. Primary cutting patterns: integral soled shoes

4.2. Hybrid cutting patterns

4.3. Primary cutting patterns: separately soled shoes

4.4. Conclusion primary cutting patterns

5. Named shoe styles and chronology

5.1. Introduction

5.2. Neolithic leather footwear

5.3. Bronze Age leather footwear

5.4. Iron Age leather footwear

5.5. Roman Period leather footwear

5.7. Mid fourth to mid fifth century shoe fashions and styles

5.8. High Middle Ages leather footwear

5.9. Late Middle Ages leather footwear

5.10. Late Middle Ages / sixteenth century leather footwear

5.11. Primitive styles

5.12. Discussion of primary cutting patterns, named styles and chronology

6. Documentation techniques

6.1. Drawing recovered archaeological leather fragments and footwear

6.2. Inventory of style elements

6.3. Fastenings

6.4. Sole / upper constructions

6.5. Shoemaking, pattern making and reconstructive archaeology

7. Conclusion

8. Summary / Résumé / Zusammenfassung / Glossary

9. Catalogue

10. Bibliography

11. Index

will be availiable from 12th april 2023
Binding Paperback
Archetype Publications
Pages 408
ISBN 9781909492936

Disponibilidad: Se hará por encargo
Anuncio creado el 29 mar 2023

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