The Viking market Fröja Thing - 27. & 28. July - S

A Viking market for all ages

From near and far people will gather for a meeting between the Viking Age and the present - at a site which has an exciting history as an important trade route.

A market offering everything from professional crafts, sale of exciting products, good food, fun activities and nice entertainment.

Saturday 27 - Sunday 18 July, open 11am-5pm

Craftsmen & tradesmen

Among the market stalls you will find tradesmen and tradeswomen selling exciting objects, and skilled craftsmen showing their crafts to visitors.

Just like a 1000 years ago the site along Lödde å is bustling with life and trade.

Take the opportunity to make an exciting journey back to the Löddeköpinge of ancient times.

Visit Sigrids farm

During the Viking market we also invite visitors to Sigrid's farm with lots of try-it-yourself activities.

From a real Viking market to real Viking life - experience the contrast between the lively marketplace and the ordinary everyday life.

Registration for Fröja Thing 2024

This year, Fröja Thing is open to a wider selection of crafts, experiences and activities. Email your registration to, mark the email with Fröja Thing 2024. In your registration, we want you to state your name, phone number, describe what products you are selling or what activity you are demonstrating, possibly company name and the size of your market tent. Your market tent must be in viking/medieval spirit.

The registration fee is SEK 300 and applies to both days. Payment is made via Swish 123 162 52 50 or to bank transfer 5123-1553. Mark the payment with Fröja Thing and your or your company name. No refunds for cancellations or no-shows. The registration is valid only when we have received the payment. The last day to register is Sunday 21 July.

You will receive a confirmation email on your registration within 48 hours.

Welcome with your registration!

Viking market

Tipo de acontecimiento:
Historia viva
Ciencia ficción
Antigüedad tardía
Edad Media
Tiempos modernos
Número de días del acontecimiento: 2
Fecha: 27 jul 2024
Anuncio creado el 25 jul 2024

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